A Cartoonist and His Wife Win the Hearts of Millions With Their Honest Look At Life

There’s nothing more heartwarming than a good love story, like that of cartoonist Yehuda Devir and his wife, Maya, who have won the hearts of millions…

Born With A Passion For Art

Devirs One of Those Days Baby Ariel

Yehuda Devir/One of Those Days

At an incredibly young age, Yehuda Devir’s parents realized he had a very unique talent. Like many children around the world, Yehuda spent his early years drawing on whatever he could: paper, tablecloths, even the walls! However, while this would drive most parents crazy, Yehuda’s parents never seemed to mind. The reason? Even at a young age, Yehuda clearly had a knack for drawing!

As he continued to grow older, Yehuda continued drawing, taking more and more inspiration from American comics. By high school, he had started creating his own comic strips and books! So, it should come as no surprise that the young man elected to earn a degree in Art when he attended the Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem. While there, he met the love of his life, Maya.

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